Kitchen Design Trends

Techy, Nature-Based, and EuropeanTrends don’t change all at once. Most kitchen trends can last ten years or more. The evolution of kitchen design is constant, with yearly adjustments until one trend falls out of favor and a new one replaces it. Keeping on top of...

The Importance of Your Color Palette

Color Is Powerful!Color heightens our senses and shapes how we relate to the world. If you are a room designer, it is important to help your client become familiar with some basic color terminology terms. Hue: what color something is, like blue or red Chroma: how pure...

Granite versus Quartz Countertops

Kitchen Design for 100 YearsWhat will a kitchen look like in 100 years?First, let us consider what a modern kitchen looked like 100 years ago. A modern kitchen designed 100 years ago featured: A sink A gas-burning range Electric lighting An electric refrigerator A...

A Modern Bathroom Remodeling Guide

A Modern Bathroom Remodeling GuideFor a modern bathroom, there is a great deal to consider. Ultimately decisions need to be made. This modern bathroom design guide will help you consider all the options and guide you through the decision-making process. When it comes...

Buying Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen Cabinet VariablesKnow Before You Buy! Perhaps the most significant part of your new kitchen is the kitchen cabinets. They really have a considerable impact on the look, feel, and function of your kitchen. Here are some things to consider before you make your...

Kitchen Design for 100 Years

Kitchen Design for 100 YearsWhat will a kitchen look like in 100 years? First, let us consider what a modern kitchen looked like 100 years ago. A modern kitchen designed 100 years ago featured: A sink A gas-burning range Electric lighting An electric refrigerator A...